Saturday, May 31, 2008

Day 0 and Turkey Burgers

Today was orientation day for AIDS Lifecycle, aka Day Zero. A safety film to be watched tent assignment to be gotten, and two jerseys to be picked up. One is a Positive Pedaler Supporter jersey, the other is, what I like to call, the $5000 jersey. It is the incentive award for raising $5000 and Jerry and I both got them.
All of the running from table to table, signing forms, putting numbers on the bike, was not too arduous. We were done by about 1 pm.
We headed back home, detouring onto Irving for a turkey burger and fries and a little coffee shop on Irving near 9th. Was okay-- not great, but we're spoiled by Comfort Food Cafe.
Now is back to making sure we have packed everything we need and to see if it will all actually fit into our suitcases.
The ride starts tomorrow. I am so excited.

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