Saturday, October 10, 2009

Biketoberfest and French Fries

Today was Biketoberfest in Fairfax, and a good excuse to take a short ride and look at what the vendors had to offer.

It's so hard for me to get motivated when I'm not riding an organized ride, and Jerry and I dragged our feet getting out of the house this morning. We mostly rode the usual route through downtown San Rafael, then San Anselmo to Fairfax, although at one point we did take a little detour to ride some new back roads. Nice to look at different houses for a change.

When we rode out it was quite chilly so we had on our caps, jackets, long sleeve jerseys and pants, but it didn't take long for the sun to break through and make us wish we weren't quite so bundled up. I did take my cap off at a red light and the ventilation definitely helped.

We rode to Fairfax and the Marin Bike Coalition had bike parking, so we left our tandem in their capable hands and headed across the street.

By far, for me, the most interesting booth was Calfee. First of all, they had a tandem that weighed in at 24 pounds. A real beauty, but at $18,000 we'll stick with our CoMotion and lose weight to make up for the extra poundage.

In addition to that beauty of a tandem, they had Selle Anatomica saddles, which are basically Brooks saddles with a large slot cut into them. The guy at the booth said it's the most comfortable saddle he's ever used. It's definitely on my wish list, and we might see if we can find one used. I am still on that endless quest for the perfect saddle. They all seem to work for the first 40 miles or so, but shortly thereafter the ride turns uncomfortable, and then painful. There's got to be a fix.

We entered Sports Basement's drawing for a gift certificate, and then headed out to our favorite lunch spot-- Theresa and Johnny's Comfort Food Cafe in downtown San Rafael.

We availed ourselves of the bike rack at Mike's Bikes across the street, though we did ask permission first.

While earlier in this post I talked about losing weight, I'm sure not doing anything about it. For lunch I had scrambled eggs and French fries. Yes, French fries. At least I didn't eat the toast. The short ride we took today by no means made up for what I ate for lunch, or for the huge number of tortilla chips I ate yesterday.

You'd think admitting this on the Internet would help me change my ways, but so far, it's not working. I think other things in my life need to change before my eating habits improve, and I'll leave it at that.


Unknown said...

More about that tandem here:

Carol said...

Yeah. That's the one. It sure is a beauty. If I ever win the lottery it's on my wish list.