Friday, February 13, 2009

My favorite ex-president

I stood outside for more than an hour in cold-for-California weather to get Jimmy Carter's latest book signed by, you guessed it, Jimmy Carter.
I know some people are having a little difficulty with him right now because they believe he is "too" pro-Palestinian. I haven't taken a stand on what he's saying yet because I need to read his latest book. But whatever opinion I have, I believe that his feelings are because he is not pro-Palestinian or pro-Israeli. He is pro-humanity. The work he has done since leaving the presidency is nothing short of astounding. Habitat for Humanity, and his work with elections and peacemaking around the world will leave him with a greater legacy than any president in my lifetime.
I'm not big on hero worship; we're all just human, after all, but to be face to face with him was more than I could have hoped for.

But, back to food. I came home with cramps in my legs and numb toes. I quickly changed into sweats and made myself a bowl of hot multi-grain cereal to warm myself. Jimmy Carter and hot cereal. Who could ask for more?

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