Monday, March 8, 2010

Scaredy Cars and Roast Chicken

Jerry and I once again pedaled around Tiburon Loop yesterday. It was an absolutely beautiful day. The sun was shining and it was even verging on warm. Delightful.

Maybe it's just us -- we are on a tandem so it's a bit bigger than a half bike-- but cars seem not only afraid to pass us, but they seem afraid of getting anywhere near us. They stay way back, crawling along until they finally get up the nerve to pass. True, the road around Tiburon is one lane each way and the visibility is not always great, but the cars there-- most of them giant Range Rovers or some other pricey huge SUVs, seem particularly timid.

I suppose that's better than them trying to run us off the road, but it does seem strangely amusing that they seem afraid of us.

Riding the tandem felt wonderful. I had begged off on Saturday, still feeling a bit jet lagged and tired, but the wait was worth it. We rode strong and were not exhausted at the end of the ride.

Once we got home, Jerry headed off to Petaluma to play with his airplane, and I headed to Goodwill. I have a friend in need of jerseys so I went to take a look-see. He's a small, and there was only one jersey that seemed to fit the bill, but I decided to hold off on it. I think I can do better for him, so I'll keep my eyes open for more bargains that are sure to come.

Having not cooked in a while, I decided it was a night for a simple roast chicken, potatoes and broccoli.

I cut red potatoes up small and drizzled olive oil and salt and pepper on them. Yes, I was making "camp potatoes," but with a twist. They went into a pan that held my vertical roaster with the chicken perched on it, so the potatoes got good chicken fat dripped on them, making them even more crisp and delicious. I lightly steamed the broccoli in the microwave, carved the chicken, which I had also seasoned with olive oil, salt and pepper, and that was it.

Sometimes a meal so simple can be so delicious. We had a nice red wine with it-- something I had picked up at Trader Joe's-- and ate dinner while watching the Academy Awards. A simple dinner; a pleasant evening after a delightful ride.

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