Friday, April 17, 2009

Laughing All the Way

I don't know why, but I laughed the entire time Jerry and I were on the trike. We only rode a couple of blocks, but there is something about it that just made me laugh. Maybe I can't believe we're actually doing it. I'm so happy.

Our friends George and Nancy came over. George and Jerry finished putting the trike together then Jerry and I took it out for a spin. But something was wrong with the way the chain was on and Jerry had to pedal backwards to go forward. That was part of what made me laugh. We came back, George fixed it, then the two of them took it out for a spin. Then Jerry and Nancy. Nancy couldn't reach the pedals, so Jerry chaufeurred her.

George and Nancy know their tandems, and they were pretty impressed with this one. It was lighter and it handled better than they thought it would. Their endorsement meant a lot.

After we finished playing with the trike we came in for dinner. The appetizer was barely touched-- a feta cheese dip. I blend feta with some yogurt and garlic, a splash of olive oil, then I pulse in some sun dried tomatoes.

Dinner was a layered dish of polenta, sauteed chicken sausage with onion, garlic and mushrooms, and topped with fresh mozzarella. I made a dressing for the salad with some good dijon mustard, not very aged balsamic, some basil, rice vinegar and some apple cider vinegar.

We taste tested the coffee cake for dessert. All was good.

Tomorrow, we ride.

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