Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spinning with the Oldies

By oldies I mean the stuff that I dvr'd from TV, or maybe I just mean me, and by spinning, I mean the big ol trike on rollers in the family room.

Too bad no one took a video of Jerry and me getting that thing in the house. Jerry's using one hand, and I'm my usually klutzy self. We backed in, we backed out. Finally, we took off the headrest and wrestled the behemoth into the family room.

We figure since we won't get out every day to ride, we better at least get used to sitting in that weird position (for us) and get in some pedal time.

I took a turn in it yesterday while I watched the "ER Retrospective" on the dvr. I discovered that alone, it takes more effort to pedal from the stoker seat than the captain, but the captain is just a tad too long for me to pedal comfortably, so I geared down and went at it.

I pedaled for about an hour, and probably would have stayed on longer but it was getting so hot in the house I had to stop.

Whether it's global warming or just a short memory, I really don't remember it being this hot in April. San Francisco was really hot yesterday as well, so I can't blame Marin for this.

Jerry and I are going to take the Big Bike, or should I say Trike, on the road again tomorrow. We're contemplating attacking Camino Alto and cruising into Fairfax. No matter how strong we get, I suspect we will never be speed demons on hills. We're going to have to just live with that and as I continue to say, do the best we can, and that will have to suffice. You've got to give us an A for effort, though.

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